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Richard Senior Structural Draughting

Our mission : to be the best sub-contract drawing office in the UK by being both commercially aware and dedicated to providing you with accurate drawings on time every time.

Structural Draughting provides professional draughting services to the steelwork industry. Anything from buildings to staircases - gantrys to balustrading - surveys to meetings. Using Tekla X-Steel 3D software.

Richard resigned his directorship at a Yorkshire based sub-contract drawing office to set up Structural Draughting in March 2009 and has never looked back.

He has been in the industry since entering a fabricators drawing office as an apprentice back in 1985
A full employment history is provided under Professional Profile.

References are available on request.

42nd St , Manchester
Structural Draughting was heavily involved in the design on this project

   Employing a good draughtsman can greatly 
     improve your accuracy , productivity and
                              profit margins.



Created and Maintained by Sheila Lewis